At Brooklyn Psychedelic Therapy, we proudly offer Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy in New York City

Sybil Ottenstein, LMHC, owner and therapist at Brooklyn Psychedelic Therapy

Your therapist,
Sybil Ottenstein LMHC

I prioritize our relationship above all else. It is my job to work with you to create a safe and supportive space for you to show up exactly as you are. I am trained in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) and certified in Psychedelic Integration and Harm Reduction. I have received advanced training in a variety of body-oriented healing modalities, including Hakomi Mindful Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Internal Family Systems (IFS).

My therapeutic style is honest, nurturing, fierce and at times, playful. I honor your resilience, hold your darkness with reverence and celebrate progress and possibility with you. I bring my whole self into the room — I’ll be laughing with you and crying with you as we work together to navigate whatever arises. My own personal psychedelic explorations have shaped my life in immeasurable ways, and I feel humbled by the opportunity to support others on this path. I’ll be by your side the whole way through.

Psychedelic therapy offers hope amidst a mental health crisis

Research supports that Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is more effective in treating depression, anxiety and PTSD than traditional talk therapy and psychiatric medication, offering freedom from prescription dependence and the possibility of a life of greater autonomy, insight and fulfillment.


U.S. adults are living with depression.


of adults in America have experienced a traumatic event at some point in their lives.

1 in 5

Americans suffer from mental illness.


U.S. adults are living with depression.

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is a safe and highly effective option in treating depression, anxiety, PTSD and more

What is Ketamine?

First synthesized in 1956, Ketamine is a “dissociative anesthetic” with a long safety record that has been used for adults and children in hospitals and medical settings for over 50 years. Ketamine helps form new pathways and connections in the brain that regulate stress and mood by blocking the brain's NMDA receptors and stimulating AMPA receptors. These neurological processes produce a dissociative state and increase the production of certain neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin, which can have significant mood-enhancing effects.

Chemical structure of Ketamine

What is KAP?

KAP combines prescribed Ketamine with psychotherapy to enhance the therapeutic process and accelerate Ketamine’s healing potential. This gentle approach allows clients to explore past wounds and restore a sense of belonging to themselves and the world around them.

At Brooklyn Psychedelic Therapy, we emphasize creating a safe “set and setting” — we’ll be there to support you throughout the journey, helping you to make meaning of the experience and maximize the beneficial effects of neuroplasticity in the days and weeks to come. Clients often leave KAP sessions feeling inspired, enlightened, humbled and more deeply connected to themselves and their surroundings.

How can KAP help?

When working with Ketamine, our usual barriers and defenses take a backseat so that we can compassionately explore our difficult emotions, memories and fears.

Many report the experience to be awe-inspiring and transformative, and walk away from KAP with a sense of understanding, enhanced self-worth, and a deeper relationship with their inner knowing. KAP:

  • Allows access to deep psychological material while in a calm and relaxed state
  • Promotes neuroplasticity, helping your brain to break free from “stuck” patterns of mood, thought and behavior
  • Encourages the creation of new ways of relating to self and others
  • Symptom relief takes effect within 1-2 hours after treatment